On Friday, I wrapped up a six-week unit introducing ratios, rates, and percentages to my sixth graders. If you've been following my thinking classroom progress, this unit started right around the time when I figured out that I need to back up and focus on sequencing my implementation of the Thinking Classrooms Practices, and I've been able to report a few breakthrough days since (this one and this one).
Since those breakthroughs, I've had day-in-and-day-out routine success - a stretch of days where almost every one has been predictably successful. I don't want to overstate how nice it is to be "stuck" in a routine where the kids are on a roll and where each day's thinking task is leading to real, deep, and lasting learning that I can count on. I was really, really good at running a mimicking classroom, and there were days earlier this year where I never thought I'd get back to that comfort level in a Thinking Classroom.
I talked a lot about success with those in a recent post, and I've had further growth with them since. My examples in that post all involved asking questions about a pre-existing, naturally engaging situation. In the weeks since, however, I've had the same benefit from just creating lists of questions that stand on their own. Here are some examples.
As you can probably see, they're just questions! Nothing special - just straight-forward math to think about, and it's working wonders. Most days, the kids are leaving class with a decent command of the day's topic, and I can just touch it up with some maintenance during recall practice in the upcoming days (or, of course, extend upon it for the next topic).
Finally having some success with this, here, I think, is what I 've learned about creating curricular tasks. 1. "You Can ALready.... But What ABout...."
I wish I could remember who I learned this from so I could cite it properly, but I don't. At some point in the past, I learned to always introduce today's learning topic in the form of "you can already ________, but what about _______?" For example, the three days of thinking tasks transitioning from ratio thinking to percentages were introduced like this:
Introducing Percentage Thinking (Day 1)
Finding A Missing Part In Percent Problems (Day 2)
Finding A Missing Whole In Percent Problems
2. The Magic Is In The Mild
As I create, implement, and reflect on the success or failure of these thinking tasks day in and day out, I've come to believe that success is all in making the mildest questions really mild - in setting the floor really low. If the opening, mild questions are well crafted so that the kids can access today's new topic entirely using math they already know, they gain confidence and get into that flow-state almost instantly. I almost never have students give up because the later, spicier tasks are too hard. If they give up, it is because I made the mild tasks too hard and they couldn't get any momentum.
3. If I want It Done Right, I have To DO It Myself
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way around an unfortunate truth: if I want these tasks done right, I have to do them myself. I see a lot of advice in the BTC community spaces recommending AI or good websites for curricular tasks for generating the questions, but I haven't found that those produce the results I'm looking for. I know my state standards, I know where I want the lesson to take the kids, and I know content well enough to know what represents the next level of "spiciness," which means I have to create the tasks more days than not.
This isn't to say I never use resources from elsewhere, but I pretty much always write the questions. Yes, it takes a long time. Yes, it is tedious. Yes, I wish I had a plug-and-play set of questions or a dependable resource bank made by someone who thinks about curricular tasks the way I do. So far, however, all of my best results are coming when I sit down every day and I write the d*&$ questions myself. I can't Believe This Works
If sliced thin (and strategically) enough, the kids are engaged in minutes and often throttle through 2-3 days of content before they know what happened.
This run of success has been a much-needed one. I owe it all to thin-sliced curricular tasks.
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Kate Hayes
10/29/2023 11:08:18 am
This is a FANTASTIC article! My team and I are going to read and reflect as part of our BTC book study. I wish it was able to be printed nicely though; the formatting gets all wonky. Thank you for putting your thoughts on paper!!
Doug Doblar
2/25/2024 02:32:39 pm
Thank you for the kind words, Kate! It means a lot to know that the time I take to explain what I'm learning is helping others!
4/21/2024 07:32:02 pm
Doug Doblar
4/22/2024 05:34:33 pm
Thank you so much, Kim!
5/18/2024 02:20:11 pm
So happy to have found your blog. I have been trying to implement BTC over the past 5 months, with some success. I am excited to begin the year with intentional BTC. I agree with all you said, and look forward to learning more from your blog. Thank you so much for sharing your insights.
Heather Ward
7/23/2024 03:46:03 pm
I've seen many ways to present the thin sliced tasks, but so many do not follow the recommendations in the book. When I've tried to implement thin slicing as closely to the book as I can, my room is chaos and my stress level is through the roof. Have you figured out a lower stress way to present the problems that stays true to how the book advises?
Doug Doblar
7/23/2024 07:47:59 pm
Hi Heather! When I was getting started with thin-sliced tasks, I just gave the kids the full list of questions - sorted by spiciness level - all at once. I had intended to grow into the banner method or some other one-at-a-time method, but... a) with proper expectation setting, the kids did extremely well with the full list all at once, and b) I feared wasted time if I tried it another way.
Terry Armstrong
8/1/2024 11:11:51 pm
Great Insight! I love the method " you can already do __, but what about _".
Doug Doblar
8/2/2024 06:41:21 am
Thanks, Terry!
Jamie Smith
9/9/2024 07:56:53 am
Wow! This is powerful. Thank you for sharing your reflections on thin slicing. I am a math interventionist and I am working on implementing this strategy. This was helpful!
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